Friday, June 5, 2009

News of the Day

News has circled around Obama's speech given yesterday; however, the world keeps turning, even while Obama sleeps. So, for news from the last day: The World Council of Churches is planning to focus on Gaza at a Church week in Bethlehem; the Grand Ole Party has given a grand ole response to Obama's speech-the US is being too evenhanded!; Israeli troops responded proportionately to Palestinian rock throwers-by shooting one of the demonstrators dead; Hamas says Obama's speech was no real change; the World Bank has yet again made clear that the occupation must end; Israeli (oops), Palestinian "security forces" killed Hamas militants in the West Bank; Israeli right wingers didn't like the big man's speech; Hizbullah continues to gain in popularity; Haaretz editorials continue to be wise; settlers have now named an outpost after Obama; Palestinians resist, yet again, efforts to stamp out their culture; and are some more opinions on everything:

Ali Abunimah--Obama in Cairo:a Bush in sheep's clothing

David Ignatius: To make peace, Obama will have to make serious enemies

Stephen M. Walt (Why the middle initial, Steve?): Is the Israel Lobby getting weaker?

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