Last minute but tommorrow (October 22) is an event sponsored by the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee of WNY (ADC) entitled the "Sabra and Shatila Massacre 28 Years on". First-hand acccounts are being presented by Nabil Mohammad (survivor, ADC Organizer) and Don Wagner (eyewitness, Presbyterian Minister). It's in Knox 104, North Campus, UB at 7:30pm. Hope to see you there.
UB Students for Justice in Palestine
The University at Buffalo chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) is a diverse group of community members working to promote human rights and justice for the Palestinians.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Sabra and Shatila Massacre
Hey all,
Last minute but tommorrow (October 22) is an event sponsored by the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee of WNY (ADC) entitled the "Sabra and Shatila Massacre 28 Years on". First-hand acccounts are being presented by Nabil Mohammad (survivor, ADC Organizer) and Don Wagner (eyewitness, Presbyterian Minister). It's in Knox 104, North Campus, UB at 7:30pm. Hope to see you there.
Last minute but tommorrow (October 22) is an event sponsored by the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee of WNY (ADC) entitled the "Sabra and Shatila Massacre 28 Years on". First-hand acccounts are being presented by Nabil Mohammad (survivor, ADC Organizer) and Don Wagner (eyewitness, Presbyterian Minister). It's in Knox 104, North Campus, UB at 7:30pm. Hope to see you there.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Gaza Aid Flotilla Attacks EMERGENCY PROTEST
Dear all:
Yesterday, Israel attacked the Gaza aid flotilla bringing humanitarian supplies to besieged Gaza. The ships were carrying European diplomats, Middle Eastern Diplomats, and nobel laureates in addition to humanitarian aid. 14 people aboard the first ship were killed when Israeli special forces launched an all-out attack on the aid convoy involving navy vessels, army helicopters and paratroopers. Those who were not killed have been detained by Israeli authorities in Haifa, Israel.
Buffalo will be holding a protest in solidarity of those killed. Here is the information:
All Out to Defend Gaza
Denounce Israeli Attack and Massacre on Civilian Freedom Flotilla Bringing Humanitarian Aid to Gaza!
Demand U.S. Stop All Funding for Israel NOW!
The U.S.-Israeli Siege of Gaza is a Crime Against Humanity — End it Now!
Demonstrate Tuesday June 1, 4:30pm
Senator Schumer's Office
130 S. Elmwood
The Israeli military committed the crime of attacking a flotilla of civilian boats in international waters on May 31 and massacred civilians on board. The Freedom Flotilla of 7 ships, with about 700 people from around the world on board, was bringing humanitarian aid to Gaza. The raid took place in international waters, with more than a dozen Israeli battleships surrounding the unarmed civilian ships. Israeli military commandos boarded and opened fire, killing 19 civilians and wounding dozens more. Israel is still refusing to fully report the numbers and identities.
This is a U.S.-backed Israeli crime that Obama remains silent about. The White House has said only that “The United States deeply regrets the loss of life and injuries sustained, and is currently working to understand the circumstances surrounding this tragedy.” The circumstances are the crime of the U.S.-Israeli siege of Gaza and the crime of collective punishment. The problem is U.S.-Israeli use of military solutions to political and humanitarian issues — just as the U.S. is doing internally with immigration.
We say NO! Join Buffalonians in denouncing the Israeli attack
and U.S. funding and protection for it.
Demonstrate June 1, 4:30pm Schumer's Office, 130 S. Elmwood
For video from various outlets:;
Live coverage on Al Jazeera English:;
Yesterday, Israel attacked the Gaza aid flotilla bringing humanitarian supplies to besieged Gaza. The ships were carrying European diplomats, Middle Eastern Diplomats, and nobel laureates in addition to humanitarian aid. 14 people aboard the first ship were killed when Israeli special forces launched an all-out attack on the aid convoy involving navy vessels, army helicopters and paratroopers. Those who were not killed have been detained by Israeli authorities in Haifa, Israel.
Buffalo will be holding a protest in solidarity of those killed. Here is the information:
All Out to Defend Gaza
Denounce Israeli Attack and Massacre on Civilian Freedom Flotilla Bringing Humanitarian Aid to Gaza!
Demand U.S. Stop All Funding for Israel NOW!
The U.S.-Israeli Siege of Gaza is a Crime Against Humanity — End it Now!
Demonstrate Tuesday June 1, 4:30pm
Senator Schumer's Office
130 S. Elmwood
The Israeli military committed the crime of attacking a flotilla of civilian boats in international waters on May 31 and massacred civilians on board. The Freedom Flotilla of 7 ships, with about 700 people from around the world on board, was bringing humanitarian aid to Gaza. The raid took place in international waters, with more than a dozen Israeli battleships surrounding the unarmed civilian ships. Israeli military commandos boarded and opened fire, killing 19 civilians and wounding dozens more. Israel is still refusing to fully report the numbers and identities.
This is a U.S.-backed Israeli crime that Obama remains silent about. The White House has said only that “The United States deeply regrets the loss of life and injuries sustained, and is currently working to understand the circumstances surrounding this tragedy.” The circumstances are the crime of the U.S.-Israeli siege of Gaza and the crime of collective punishment. The problem is U.S.-Israeli use of military solutions to political and humanitarian issues — just as the U.S. is doing internally with immigration.
We say NO! Join Buffalonians in denouncing the Israeli attack
and U.S. funding and protection for it.
Demonstrate June 1, 4:30pm Schumer's Office, 130 S. Elmwood
For video from various outlets:;
Live coverage on Al Jazeera English:;
Friday, February 19, 2010
Boycott the Israel Ballet February 23rd
In 2006, the Israeli Foreign Ministry launched the “Brand Israel” campaign “to show Israel’s prettier face” abroad, diverting global attention from the Palestinians. This campaign includes the Israel Ballet, described by the Israeli Consulate in New York as a “cultural representative of the State of Israel.” On Tuesday, February 23rd, the Israel Ballet will show the University at Buffalo the peaceful, pretty, Western face of Israel. But instead, we should be seeing the growing list of UN reports condemning Israel for human rights violations in the occupied territories and the systemic discrimination of the twenty percent Arab population in Israel.
With twenty percent of its citizens of Palestinian Arab descent, Israel claims to be a multi-racial democracy. Yet not a single Israel Ballet dancer, not a single member of its staff or directors, is Palestinian. It does not represent the twenty percent of Israelis who attend separate schools, receive less funding for education, and face discrimination in employment, in property purchases, in language, and in law. And it certainly does not represent the 1.5 million Palestinians who suffer intolerable conditions in Gaza, where 80% live off of UN food aid and over 40% are unemployed.
In January 2009, Israel Ballet founder Berta Yampolsky said, “Luckily, right now we don’t have to worry about war: despite our problems, this is a safe place; there’s no crime, and you don’t have to be afraid at night.” I wish I could say the same thing to the Palestinian child blinded earlier that month by white phosphorus shells Israel launched at his UN School, or the other 1417 residents of Gaza killed during Israel’s widely-criticized “Operation Cast Lead”: 1181 of them civilians, 313 of them children.
People of conscience around the world have endorsed a Palestinian civil society call for boycott, divestment, and sanctions to be applied against Israel to end its discrimination against Palestinian citizens of Israel, to end its apartheid practices, to withdraw fully from all lands conquered in 1967, and to restore the rights of Palestinian refugees everywhere to either return to their homes or receive just compensation. In recognition of this campaign of non-violent action against Brand Israel’s state propaganda offensive, UB Students for Justice in Palestine calls on the university community to boycott the Israeli Ballet next Tuesday evening.
The Israel Ballet will perform at 8pm in the Center for the Arts, UB North Campus. Please email or call 518-364-2012 if you are interested in joining.

With twenty percent of its citizens of Palestinian Arab descent, Israel claims to be a multi-racial democracy. Yet not a single Israel Ballet dancer, not a single member of its staff or directors, is Palestinian. It does not represent the twenty percent of Israelis who attend separate schools, receive less funding for education, and face discrimination in employment, in property purchases, in language, and in law. And it certainly does not represent the 1.5 million Palestinians who suffer intolerable conditions in Gaza, where 80% live off of UN food aid and over 40% are unemployed.
In January 2009, Israel Ballet founder Berta Yampolsky said, “Luckily, right now we don’t have to worry about war: despite our problems, this is a safe place; there’s no crime, and you don’t have to be afraid at night.” I wish I could say the same thing to the Palestinian child blinded earlier that month by white phosphorus shells Israel launched at his UN School, or the other 1417 residents of Gaza killed during Israel’s widely-criticized “Operation Cast Lead”: 1181 of them civilians, 313 of them children.
People of conscience around the world have endorsed a Palestinian civil society call for boycott, divestment, and sanctions to be applied against Israel to end its discrimination against Palestinian citizens of Israel, to end its apartheid practices, to withdraw fully from all lands conquered in 1967, and to restore the rights of Palestinian refugees everywhere to either return to their homes or receive just compensation. In recognition of this campaign of non-violent action against Brand Israel’s state propaganda offensive, UB Students for Justice in Palestine calls on the university community to boycott the Israeli Ballet next Tuesday evening.
The Israel Ballet will perform at 8pm in the Center for the Arts, UB North Campus. Please email or call 518-364-2012 if you are interested in joining.
Israel Ballet
Sunday, February 7, 2010
New Posts and Old Ghosts
Hello fellow advocates for justice,
As you have probably noticed, our blog has not been updated as frequently as we would like. So to make up for this, UB SJP has decided that we will have a weekly update, each from a different member. These updates will cater to the personality of the blogger and will be about everything from current events to past conflicts, anecdotes of those who have lived under the occupation, poems, videos, etc. This way, you can learn more about those who belong to UB SJP and as well as our efforts.
The earthquake in Haiti and the overwhelming global support to its survivors has opened the world's eyes to the suffering of those who do not have access to world-class healthcare. While Haiti is being flooded by numerous global health associations, along with funding from various governments, Gaza still has yet to see the love and support from the global health community. However, this is not to say that Gaza does not have any help at all. In fact, Medecins San Frontiers (or Doctors Without Borders) has set up a field site that is helping those who still feel the effects of last year's Operation Cast Lead. MSF has created a youtube channel, which documents their efforts around the world and includes a profile on Gaza. Despite the help of their field staff and that of other humanitarian organizations, there is still a lot of work to be done.
Doctors in Palestine, both domestic and foreign, struggle to help their patients despite ambulances (and cars with the injured) being barred from crossing checkpoints without full inspections, violation of curfews, or just because the soldiers feel the person seeking healthcare may be a threat. Facilities either lack supplies, specialists, or have mediocre sterilization of their rooms and equipment.
These issues need to be addressed by the global community. The aftermath of Haiti's disaster has shown the compassion present worldwide for human suffering. It is time to extend that same compassion and drive to help to our brothers and sisters in Palestine.
Different aspects of the health care crisis in Gaza and other parts of Palestine will be discussed in greater detail in coming weekly updates. As for now, I leave you with MSF's video about Gaza.
Dr. Nummy
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Action Alert: Tony Blair Protest
There will be a protest of former UK Prime Minster Tony Blair outside Alumni Arena (Coventry loop) the day of his speech. The protest will start at 7pm and go until his speech is finished around 9pm.
Tony Blair is speaking at the University at Buffalo as part of the UB Distinguished Speakers Series.
He will paid a gross amount of money--150,000 according to his booking agent-- and will speak ironically about faith and activist foreign policy.
Tony Blair, along with Washington, helped organize crippling sanctions upon the Iraqi regime during the late 1990's, which directly led to the deaths of 100,000's of Iraqi children. The children died of contaminated water and malnutrition while the target, Saddam, continued to live the high life. Then in 2003, Tony Blair yet again punished the Iraqi people. He helped the Bush administration invade Iraq under false pretenses and crooked ideology. The conflict has created five million refugees and casualties range from 100,000 to 1.2 million.
He has since continued to justify his neo-activist foreign policy, along with its disastrous results. UB SJP is calling for all activists to boycott this speech.
Further information about the protest can be found here: Buffalo Activist.
If you would like to get involved, please email:
Tony Blair's speech will be October 7th at 8pm.

Tony Blair is speaking at the University at Buffalo as part of the UB Distinguished Speakers Series.
He will paid a gross amount of money--150,000 according to his booking agent-- and will speak ironically about faith and activist foreign policy.
Tony Blair, along with Washington, helped organize crippling sanctions upon the Iraqi regime during the late 1990's, which directly led to the deaths of 100,000's of Iraqi children. The children died of contaminated water and malnutrition while the target, Saddam, continued to live the high life. Then in 2003, Tony Blair yet again punished the Iraqi people. He helped the Bush administration invade Iraq under false pretenses and crooked ideology. The conflict has created five million refugees and casualties range from 100,000 to 1.2 million.
He has since continued to justify his neo-activist foreign policy, along with its disastrous results. UB SJP is calling for all activists to boycott this speech.
Further information about the protest can be found here: Buffalo Activist.
If you would like to get involved, please email:
Tony Blair's speech will be October 7th at 8pm.
Action Alert,
Tony Blair,
University at Buffalo
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Universality of Human Rights: The Gaza War
This op-ed was published September 17, 2009 in the New York Times.
Justice in Gaza by Richard Goldstone
I ACCEPTED with hesitation my United Nations mandate to investigate alleged violations of the laws of war and international human rights during Israel’s three-week war in Gaza last winter. The issue is deeply charged and politically loaded. I accepted because the mandate of the mission was to look at all parties: Israel; Hamas, which controls Gaza; and other armed Palestinian groups. I accepted because my fellow commissioners are professionals committed to an objective, fact-based investigation.
But above all, I accepted because I believe deeply in the rule of law and the laws of war, and the principle that in armed conflict civilians should to the greatest extent possible be protected from harm.
In the fighting in Gaza, all sides flouted that fundamental principle. Many civilians unnecessarily died and even more were seriously hurt. In Israel, three civilians were killed and hundreds wounded by rockets from Gaza fired by Hamas and other groups. Two Palestinian girls also lost their lives when these rockets misfired.
In Gaza, hundreds of civilians died. They died from disproportionate attacks on legitimate military targets and from attacks on hospitals and other civilian structures. They died from precision weapons like missiles from aerial drones as well as from heavy artillery. Repeatedly, the Israel Defense Forces failed to adequately distinguish between combatants and civilians, as the laws of war strictly require.
Israel is correct that identifying combatants in a heavily populated area is difficult, and that Hamas fighters at times mixed and mingled with civilians. But that reality did not lift Israel’s obligation to take all feasible measures to minimize harm to civilians.
Our fact-finding team found that in many cases Israel could have done much more to spare civilians without sacrificing its stated and legitimate military aims. It should have refrained from attacking clearly civilian buildings, and from actions that might have resulted in a military advantage but at the cost of too many civilian lives. In these cases, Israel must investigate, and Hamas is obliged to do the same. They must examine what happened and appropriately punish any soldier or commander found to have violated the law.
Unfortunately, both Israel and Hamas have dismal records of investigating their own forces. I am unaware of any case where a Hamas fighter was punished for deliberately shooting a rocket into a civilian area in Israel — on the contrary, Hamas leaders repeatedly praise such acts. While Israel has begun investigations into alleged violations by its forces in the Gaza conflict, they are unlikely to be serious and objective.
Absent credible local investigations, the international community has a role to play. If justice for civilian victims cannot be obtained through local authorities, then foreign governments must act. There are various mechanisms through which to pursue international justice. The International Criminal Court and the exercise of universal jurisdiction by other countries against violators of the Geneva Conventions are among them. But they all share one overarching aim: to hold accountable those who violate the laws of war. They are built on the premise that abusive fighters and their commanders can face justice, even if their government or ruling authority is not willing to take that step.
Pursuing justice in this case is essential because no state or armed group should be above the law. Western governments in particular face a challenge because they have pushed for accountability in places like Darfur, but now must do the same with Israel, an ally and a democratic state.
Failing to pursue justice for serious violations during the fighting will have a deeply corrosive effect on international justice, and reveal an unacceptable hypocrisy. As a service to the hundreds of civilians who needlessly died and for the equal application of international justice, the perpetrators of serious violations must be held to account.
Richard Goldstone, the former chief prosecutor for war-crime tribunals on Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia, is the head of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict.

Justice in Gaza by Richard Goldstone
I ACCEPTED with hesitation my United Nations mandate to investigate alleged violations of the laws of war and international human rights during Israel’s three-week war in Gaza last winter. The issue is deeply charged and politically loaded. I accepted because the mandate of the mission was to look at all parties: Israel; Hamas, which controls Gaza; and other armed Palestinian groups. I accepted because my fellow commissioners are professionals committed to an objective, fact-based investigation.
But above all, I accepted because I believe deeply in the rule of law and the laws of war, and the principle that in armed conflict civilians should to the greatest extent possible be protected from harm.
In the fighting in Gaza, all sides flouted that fundamental principle. Many civilians unnecessarily died and even more were seriously hurt. In Israel, three civilians were killed and hundreds wounded by rockets from Gaza fired by Hamas and other groups. Two Palestinian girls also lost their lives when these rockets misfired.
In Gaza, hundreds of civilians died. They died from disproportionate attacks on legitimate military targets and from attacks on hospitals and other civilian structures. They died from precision weapons like missiles from aerial drones as well as from heavy artillery. Repeatedly, the Israel Defense Forces failed to adequately distinguish between combatants and civilians, as the laws of war strictly require.
Israel is correct that identifying combatants in a heavily populated area is difficult, and that Hamas fighters at times mixed and mingled with civilians. But that reality did not lift Israel’s obligation to take all feasible measures to minimize harm to civilians.
Our fact-finding team found that in many cases Israel could have done much more to spare civilians without sacrificing its stated and legitimate military aims. It should have refrained from attacking clearly civilian buildings, and from actions that might have resulted in a military advantage but at the cost of too many civilian lives. In these cases, Israel must investigate, and Hamas is obliged to do the same. They must examine what happened and appropriately punish any soldier or commander found to have violated the law.
Unfortunately, both Israel and Hamas have dismal records of investigating their own forces. I am unaware of any case where a Hamas fighter was punished for deliberately shooting a rocket into a civilian area in Israel — on the contrary, Hamas leaders repeatedly praise such acts. While Israel has begun investigations into alleged violations by its forces in the Gaza conflict, they are unlikely to be serious and objective.
Absent credible local investigations, the international community has a role to play. If justice for civilian victims cannot be obtained through local authorities, then foreign governments must act. There are various mechanisms through which to pursue international justice. The International Criminal Court and the exercise of universal jurisdiction by other countries against violators of the Geneva Conventions are among them. But they all share one overarching aim: to hold accountable those who violate the laws of war. They are built on the premise that abusive fighters and their commanders can face justice, even if their government or ruling authority is not willing to take that step.
Pursuing justice in this case is essential because no state or armed group should be above the law. Western governments in particular face a challenge because they have pushed for accountability in places like Darfur, but now must do the same with Israel, an ally and a democratic state.
Failing to pursue justice for serious violations during the fighting will have a deeply corrosive effect on international justice, and reveal an unacceptable hypocrisy. As a service to the hundreds of civilians who needlessly died and for the equal application of international justice, the perpetrators of serious violations must be held to account.
Richard Goldstone, the former chief prosecutor for war-crime tribunals on Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia, is the head of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Action Alert: Demonstration next Wednesday the 9th End the Siege on Gaza!
This coming Wednesday, UB SJP will be hosting an on-campus protest of the ongoing siege of Gaza. The protest will be at noon in Founders plaza right outside Capen hall.
Our reasons for protest are below:
The Israeli army has besieged the tiny coastal strip of Gaza for 26 months now, beginning July of 2007. UBSJP would like to help the International community force Israel to end the siege. As citizens of the United States, we have the most say. The US army supplied Israel with many of the arms used in the conflict, and with much of the money. In one year, the United States gives Israel more aid money than it does all of Africa, read ALL OF AFRICA! That is to the tune of 3 billion dollars. In addition, the US army has special deals with the Israeli defense forces and is given billions of dollars in government-funded loans approved by congress. We want to stop this funding until Israel has ended its siege on Gaza.
The Siege has carried on for 26 months, beginning in July of 2007. In January of 2009, the Israeli army began a three-week Military campaign entitled “Operation Cast Lead.” The figures below are from that attack.
Palestinians killed: 1417, 926 civilians of which over 400 were children.
Palestinians injured: 5,303
Israelis killed: 13
Israelis wounded: 518
Gazans displaced: over 50, 800
2 billion worth of damage to Gaza
4000 homes destroyed
400,000 left without running water
80 government buildings hit
Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Israeli human rights group B’tselem, United Nations. These organizations have accused Israel of the following illegal actions:
Using Human Shields
Collective punishment
Near Starvation
Use of White Phosphorous in a densely populated area
Bombing of Red Crescent trucks
Killing of non-combatants and minors
Bombing of schools
Bombing of hospitals
Prohibiting access to medical care
Restricting movement
Lack of proportionality
Destruction of homes and property
Denial of emergency relief and humanitarian aid to the strip
The Israeli army has continued to besiege Gaza since the January offensive. Palestinians have not been able to leave, rebuild their homes, or restart their lives. They are forced to rely on smuggling tunnels under the Egyptian border. Please come out to the protest and help stop this humanitarian catastrophe!

Our reasons for protest are below:
The Israeli army has besieged the tiny coastal strip of Gaza for 26 months now, beginning July of 2007. UBSJP would like to help the International community force Israel to end the siege. As citizens of the United States, we have the most say. The US army supplied Israel with many of the arms used in the conflict, and with much of the money. In one year, the United States gives Israel more aid money than it does all of Africa, read ALL OF AFRICA! That is to the tune of 3 billion dollars. In addition, the US army has special deals with the Israeli defense forces and is given billions of dollars in government-funded loans approved by congress. We want to stop this funding until Israel has ended its siege on Gaza.
The Siege has carried on for 26 months, beginning in July of 2007. In January of 2009, the Israeli army began a three-week Military campaign entitled “Operation Cast Lead.” The figures below are from that attack.
Palestinians killed: 1417, 926 civilians of which over 400 were children.
Palestinians injured: 5,303
Israelis killed: 13
Israelis wounded: 518
Gazans displaced: over 50, 800
2 billion worth of damage to Gaza
4000 homes destroyed
400,000 left without running water
80 government buildings hit
Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Israeli human rights group B’tselem, United Nations. These organizations have accused Israel of the following illegal actions:
Using Human Shields
Collective punishment
Near Starvation
Use of White Phosphorous in a densely populated area
Bombing of Red Crescent trucks
Killing of non-combatants and minors
Bombing of schools
Bombing of hospitals
Prohibiting access to medical care
Restricting movement
Lack of proportionality
Destruction of homes and property
Denial of emergency relief and humanitarian aid to the strip
The Israeli army has continued to besiege Gaza since the January offensive. Palestinians have not been able to leave, rebuild their homes, or restart their lives. They are forced to rely on smuggling tunnels under the Egyptian border. Please come out to the protest and help stop this humanitarian catastrophe!
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