Tony Blair is speaking at the University at Buffalo as part of the UB Distinguished Speakers Series.
He will paid a gross amount of money--150,000 according to his booking agent-- and will speak ironically about faith and activist foreign policy.
Tony Blair, along with Washington, helped organize crippling sanctions upon the Iraqi regime during the late 1990's, which directly led to the deaths of 100,000's of Iraqi children. The children died of contaminated water and malnutrition while the target, Saddam, continued to live the high life. Then in 2003, Tony Blair yet again punished the Iraqi people. He helped the Bush administration invade Iraq under false pretenses and crooked ideology. The conflict has created five million refugees and casualties range from 100,000 to 1.2 million.
He has since continued to justify his neo-activist foreign policy, along with its disastrous results. UB SJP is calling for all activists to boycott this speech.
Further information about the protest can be found here: Buffalo Activist.
If you would like to get involved, please email:
Tony Blair's speech will be October 7th at 8pm.